新公司要作个试验用到dns, 把以前的旧文翻出来,整理一下,备忘一下。
directory "/var/named";
recursion no; ---不用递归方式进行查询
即刻进行 no-recursion方式的查询操作
2 limiting concurrent recursive clients
options {
directory "/var/named";
recursive-clients 500;
补充一下,所谓recursion --递归方式主要是client-->(dns) server的查询方式
所谓Iterative -迭代方式是dns server -> dns server之间的查询
为什么禁掉递归呢, 主要是不希望该dns服务器 被client使用,特别是公司对外服务的dns, 为了稳定,只向dns server 开放,减少压力。
the default limit is 1,000 recursive clients
参考资料:Oreily: DNS and Bind cookbook
with recursive-clients you can limit the number of recursive queries a name server will handle concurrently. a named server receives recursive queries both from resolvers and from the name server that use it as a forwarder. since each recursive query consumes about 20k of memory, the totoal amount of memory needed to serive 1,000 queriers -- the defualt limits --is about 20mb. if a name server doesn't have that much real memory available, you may need to set its limit lower.
3 仅允许在本地网络进行 arbitray domain names
directory "/var/named";
allow-query { localnets;