
Mapping ASM disks to Physical Devices


Sometimes you may need to map ASM Disks to its physical devices.
If they are based on ASMLib you will see their ASM name, ie: ORCL:VOL1 when querying v$asm_disk

When running oracleasm querydisk VOL1 you will get in addition the major - minor numbers, that can be used to match the physical device, ie:

[root@orcldb2 ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk VOL1
Disk "VOL1" is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 97]

[root@orcldb2 ~]# ls -l /dev | grep 8, | grep 97
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 81 Nov 4 13:02 sdg1

This script can do the job for a group of ASM Disks:

---------- start here ------------
for i in `/etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks`
v_asmdisk=`/etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk $i | awk '{print $2}'`
v_minor=`/etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk $i | awk -F[ '{print $2}'| awk -F] '{print $1}' | awk '{print $1}'`
v_major=`/etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk $i | awk -F[ '{print $2}'| awk -F] '{print $1}' | awk '{print $2}'`
v_device=`ls -la /dev | grep $v_minor | grep $v_major | awk '{print $10}'`
echo "ASM disk $v_asmdisk based on /dev/$v_device [$v_minor $v_major]"
---------- finish here ------------

The output looks like this:

ASM disk "VOL1" based on /dev/sdg1 [8, 97]
ASM disk "VOL10" based on /dev/sdp1 [8, 241]
ASM disk "VOL2" based on /dev/sdh1 [8, 113]
ASM disk "VOL3" based on /dev/sdk1 [8, 161]
ASM disk "VOL4" based on /dev/sdi1 [8, 129]
ASM disk "VOL5" based on /dev/sdl1 [8, 177]
ASM disk "VOL6" based on /dev/sdj1 [8, 145]
ASM disk "VOL7" based on /dev/sdn1 [8, 209]
ASM disk "VOL8" based on /dev/sdo1 [8, 225]
ASM disk "VOL9" based on /dev/sdm1 [8, 193]

If you are using multi-path, you will need an additional step to map the physical device to the multi-path device, for instance if using EMC Powerpath if you want to map sdf1

[root@orclp ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk vol1
Disk "VOL1" is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 81]

[root@orclp ~]# ls -l /dev | grep 8,| grep 81
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 81 Oct 29 20:42 sdf1

[root@orclp ~]# powermt display dev=all
Pseudo name=emcpowerg
Symmetrix ID=000290101698
Logical device ID=0214
state=alive; policy=SymmOpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0
---------------- Host --------------- - Stor - -- I/O Path - -- Stats ---
### HW Path I/O Paths Interf. Mode State Q-IOs Errors
1 qla2xxx sdf FA 7bB active alive 0 0
2 qla2xxx sdq FA 10bB active alive 0 0

The last step is to check the partition assigned to the emcpower device, ie:

[root@orclp ~]# ls -l /dev/emcpowerg*
brw------- 1 root root 120, 96 Oct 29 20:41 /dev/emcpowerg
brw------- 1 root root 120, 97 Nov 15 13:08 /dev/emcpowerg1


[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ./oracleasm listdisks

[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ./oracleasm querydisk U02
Disk "U02" is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 3]

[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ls -l /dev | grep 8, | grep 3
brw-rw---- 1 oracle dba 8, 3 Apr 6 12:09 sda3
brw-rw---- 1 oracle dba 8, 19 Apr 6 12:09 sdb3
brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 32 Apr 6 12:09 sdc
brw-r----- 1 crs oinstall 8, 33 Apr 6 12:09 sdc1

[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ./oracleasm querydisk U03
Disk "U03" is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 19]
[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ls -l /dev | grep 8, | grep 19
brw-rw---- 1 oracle dba 8, 19 Apr 6 12:09 sdb3

[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ./oracleasm querydisk U04
Disk "U04" is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 34]

[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ls -l /dev | grep 8, | grep 34
brw-rw---- 1 oracle dba 8, 34 Apr 6 12:09 sdc2

[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ./oracleasm querydisk U05
Disk "U05" is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 49]
[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ls -l /dev | grep 8, | grep 49
brw-rw---- 1 oracle dba 8, 49 Apr 6 12:09 sdd1

[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ./oracleasm querydisk U07
Disk "U07" is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 81]
[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ls -l /dev | grep 8, | grep 81
brw-rw---- 1 oracle dba 8, 81 Apr 6 12:09 sdf1

[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ./oracleasm querydisk U15
Disk "U15" is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 113]
[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ls -l /dev | grep 8, | grep 113
brw-rw---- 1 oracle dba 8, 113 Apr 6 12:09 sdh1

[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ./oracleasm querydisk U16
Disk "U16" is a valid ASM disk on device [8, 145]
[oracle@oracle01 init.d]$ ls -l /dev | grep 8, | grep 145
brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 145 Apr 6 12:09 sdj1


