CentOS , Ubuntu下都裝過了:
CentOS:(5.2, 5.3, 5.1)
[root@test DarwinStreamingSrvrlinux-Linux]# ./Install
Installing Darwin Streaming Server
Checking for and Killing currently running Darwin Streaming Server
Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See /usr/share/doc/procps-3.2.7/FAQ
Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See /usr/share/doc/procps-3.2.7/FAQ
kill 10841: No such process
Removing previous versions of Darwin Streaming Server
Backing up previous config files
Inserting path to perl into scripts..
Creating unprivileged user to run the server = "qtss".
copying DarwinStreamingServer to /usr/local/sbin/DarwinStreamingServer
copying PlaylistBroadcaster to /usr/local/bin/PlaylistBroadcaster
copying MP3Broadcaster to /usr/local/bin/MP3Broadcaster
copying qtpasswd to /usr/local/bin/qtpasswd
creating /usr/local/sbin/StreamingServerModules directory
copying createuserstreamingdir to /usr/local/bin/createuserstreamingdir
creating /etc/streaming directory
Generating a new prefs file at /etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSRefMovieModule [dynamic]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSHomeDirectoryModule [dynamic]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSFileModule [static]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSReflectorModule [static]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSRelayModule [static]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSAccessLogModule [static]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSFlowControlModule [static]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSPosixFileSysModule [static]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSAdminModule [static]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSMP3StreamingModule [static]
INFO: Module Loaded...QTSSAccessModule [static]
WARNING: No users file found at /etc/streaming/qtusers.
WARNING: No groups file found at /etc/streaming/qtgroups.
copying relayconfig.xml-Sample to /etc/streaming/relayconfig.xml-Sample
copying qtusers to /etc/streaming/qtusers
copying qtgroups to /etc/streaming/qtgroups
copying readme.txt to /var/streaming/readme.txt
copying 3rdPartyAcknowledgements.rtf to /var/streaming/3rdPartyAcknowledgements.rtf
creating /usr/local/movies directory
creating /var/streaming/playlists directory
copying sample_100kbit.mov into /usr/local/movies/sample_100kbit.mov
copying sample_300kbit.mov into /usr/local/movies/sample_300kbit.mov
copying sample_100kbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_100kbit.mp4
copying sample_300kbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_300kbit.mp4
copying sample.mp3 into /usr/local/movies/sample.mp3
copying sample_50kbit.3gp into /usr/local/movies/sample_50kbit.3gp
copying sample_h264_100kbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_h264_100kbit.mp4
copying sample_h264_300kbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_h264_300kbit.mp4
copying sample_h264_1mbit.mp4 into /usr/local/movies/sample_h264_1mbit.mp4
copying StreamingLoadTool to /usr/local/bin/StreamingLoadTool
copying streamingloadtool.conf to /etc/streaming/streamingloadtool.conf
copying streamingadminserver.pl into /usr/local/sbin/streamingadminserver.pl
copying Admin HTML to /var/streaming/AdminHtml directory
Launching streamingadminserver.pl
Installation Complete
Darwin Streaming Server Setup
In order to administer the Darwin Streaming Server you must create an administrator user [Note: The administrator user name cannot contain spaces, or single or double quote characters, and cannot be more than 255 characters long].
Please enter a new administrator user name: admin
You must also enter a password for the administrator user [Note: The administrator password cannot contain spaces, or quotes, either single or double, and cannot be more than 80 characters long].
Please enter a new administrator Password:
Re-enter the new administrator password:
Adding userName admin
Setup Complete!
[root@vapp DarwinStreamingSrvrlinux-Linux]# netstat -tln
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
[root@test DarwinStreamingSrvrlinux-Linux]# netstat -tln |grep 1220
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
注意,Ubuntu 64bit sOS 的安裝有問題, 應該使用Ubuntu 32bits version 安裝
傻瓜化了, 沒啥問題,記錄一下