inadequate adj
。 不充分的
。 不适当的,不够格的
“I felt inadequate in my new job, so I left of my own accord."
participation n 分享,参与
Deterrent n. 制止物;威慑物 adj. 阻碍的;制止的
Detective n. 侦探
Intrusive adj. 入侵,闯入
Preventive adj. 预防的;阻止的
Permit n 许可证;执照 vt. , vi
. 许可,允许;准许
She won't permit dogs in the house.
Do you permit you children to smoke?
. 容许,有可能
if my health permits
(of) 允许有
The situation does not permit of any delay.
intuitive adj. 直觉的,本能的; 天生的
recipient n. 接受者
aggregate adj. 总的,合计的
what were your aggregate wages last year? 去年你的工资一共是多少?
facilitate vt . 使容易;使便利
it would facilitate matters if you were more co-operative
the broken lock facilitate my entrance into the empty house
the new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city.
Tractors and other agricultural machines greatly facilitate farming.
polymorphic adj 多态的, 多形态的
involved adj (常与in连用)(与...)关系密切的,(与...)有牵连的
compartmental adj. 分成隔间的
coordinating vt, 使协调;使调和 adj, 同等的,并列的 n(数)坐标
counterfeit n.伪造;假冒 vt 伪造;假冒 adj 伪造的;假冒的;模仿的
--a counterfeit coin
repudiate vt., vi 拒绝;断绝关系
to repudiate offers of friendship 拒绝友谊
to repudiate a charge of murder 否认谋杀的指控
barbed wire 带刺的铁丝网
qualitative adj 性质的;定性的
a qualitative analysis 定性分析
revence n. 国家的收入;税收
diverse --adj. 不同的;相异的 diverse interests 不同的兴趣
contingency planning -- 应变计划
impose --vt, vi 强迫, 强加
Don't impose yourself on people who don't want you.
restrict to 把...限制(控制,保持)在...
to restrict oneself to two cigarettes a day
occupant n. 1占有者,占领者;2居住者
viability --生存能力,发育能力
discretionary -- ADJ, 任意的,自由决定的
combustion --n. 燃烧
remanence --n. 剩磁
autonomy -- n. 自治,自治權
promiscuous -- 不加區分的, 混雜的
---linux有一個網卡模式是 promiscuous mode
arbitrary --adj. 專橫的;武斷的
an arbitrary interpretation 武斷的解釋
an arbitrary decision 武斷的決定
my choice was quite arbitrary 我的選擇相當隨意
sprinkler system --自動噴水滅火系統 pre-action sprinkler system
deliberately --adv 故意地
deliberate --vt, vi 商討;研討
adj 周密計劃的;深思熟慮的 taking deliberate action
故意的;別有用心的;存心的 He told us a deliberate lie
反義詞: hasty
hasty -- adj 急速的;匆匆的 ate a hasty meal
a hasty old man
they shouldn't have made such a hasty decision
His hasty decision was a mistake
repudiate --- vt, vi 拒絕;斷絕關系 to repudiate offers of friendship
否定;駁倒 to repudiate a charge of murder
badges -- n 徽章;證章 We wear the school badge on our coats
burden--vt, 使負重擔;使麻煩
n, 負荷;負擔;重載
He could not carry the burden alone.
The burden of the story
instigate --vt.
He instigated the ending of a free working lunch in the company. 他煽動取消公司的免費工作午餐
hierarchy (ies) n 等級制度;階層
A hierarchy of moral values //道德價值的層次
The government is a hierarchy // 政府是官階分明的統治集團